almost the fourth of july!

what I’ve been up to this past week…

*picks up mic*
*stands uncomfortably for ten seconds*
*looks at everyone*
*drops mic*

10423960_10152247119912712_3567777356391918735_n (1) 10425473_10152248451967712_3681446330719978893_n10479204_10152249219227712_1833250847540668877_n 10487573_10152249230532712_5762085568727341506_n10499557_10152247124282712_8746192716272753763_o
10502235_10152239270827712_9020896679496645568_n10351374_10152241296792712_564037856274999912_n jbjkhk


Just in time to get them for xmas/hannukah/kwanzaa/solstice/new year’s etc etc…I finally got around to posting a set of t-shirts I had been working on for a while.

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