Some of the prints! 20th of September 2014 In painting, pictures, posts with links in them, prints, stuff for sale, Tattoo, All original except those that have sold, available via my store page. Go buy something~! Or share anything online, if you like it. I like being pinned, reblogged, signal boosted, reddited, tweetered, facebooked to grandma, even myspaced. xox Published on: Sep 5, 2013 pat pig, PAT pig 28th of September 2008 In art, clients, pictures, Tattoo, 100 points if you can name the movie the quote comes from what I did last night: getting ready for the art opening. as you can see this one is humongous. also, did this tattoo tonight, it’s still going to have some background, but we’ll be adding that later: she sat like a champ. It’s funny but halfway through this tattoo another woman came in to schedule an appointment to get a book done. English majors and future librarians are somoe of my favorite people. link of the day: Here’s a big shocker: poor people go to the doctor less often and catch cancer more than rich people do. DUH.