pennsylvania, on to NY state after this!


the most frightening sign

the most frightening sign






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Pennsylvania: Heritage tattoo in Easton, Abaddon tattoo in Pine Grove, and some family time.

female tattoo artist at shop

walk-in sign at abaddon


Photo-heavy post after the jump!

I’ll be at Abaddon until the 8th. I’m booked full except for an hour or two on this saturday.
After that I go on to Frankfort NY, to the electric eye candy convention. I’m teaching the seminar there on sunday at noon- if you want in on that, you can pre-register HERE (preregistration gets you a little extra swag.)

I think I have an hour or two open friday and saturday at that convention. Sunday is solidly booked though! Again…get a hold of me. You can use the form HERE if you’re not sure how to reach me.


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