things that are like magic to me:

repairing mechanical things, electrical things, modern tech and programming, car repairs post 1995, taxonomy (plants), internet structure, building things like shelves, most power tools, how potholes get fixed.

things I understand enough to know they’re not magical:

the basic scientific method, tattoos (all related subjects), painting, drawing, writing, poetry, gardening, framing (construction AND art), composition, jokes, propaganda, plumbing, taxonomy (animal), internet constraints on expression, building things from scrap, trees.

everything else? could go either way really. dunno if it’s magic or process but interested in finding out. I love reading about everything I don’t know.

in the gutter, I can see the stars.


Seminar: Passive income and social media use for tattoo artists

13912592_10153856265657712_6602799035210498873_nSeminar: Passive income and social media use for tattooers.

Even though we all make our daily bread tattooing, we all are also human beings, living inside bodies that can get broken or worn. When you’ve got slow times or an injury or illness, passive income is a good backup, and if done properly it will complement and improve your work on skin.

If you’re using social media at all- to share your tattoo work – or if you would like to start selling your other artwork online to reach a wider audience- this class is for you.

If you see the internet ad social media as a chore, hate pinterest, and fear theft- this class is for you.

Learn to use social media properly — without compromising your copyright.

This class relates to the sale of secondary mediums beyond tattooing, and will go over the relationship between your existing client base and the collectors who will buy your work on paper rather than skin.

We’ll cover print-on-demand services, pros and cons of social media use, networking as a strategy to find collectors, consolidating your media management, and getting more reach with your work online.

Seminar text and cheatsheet handout packet, aftercare instructions, and legal consent form templates included.

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