Caveman hands, sheanderthal. Skull mounts and totem art.

taxidermy skull mount with sweetgumHere are some photos of all the things which I just got back from the speakeasy art show.

Some of these will be for sale at MY SKULL AND NATURE SHOP, others are already spoken for, waiting to be picked up.

The hardest thing about selling these (besides the amount of logical work that goes into shipping them) is parting with them. I really feel the creatures, you know? Like each one has a definite personality, to me. So when someone buys them it’s like saying goodbye to a friend.

At least awesome people buy them. That makes it a lot easier.

Click through to see more photos.

These were, until now, on display at the Oak Street Speakeasy in Eugene, Oregon. I have had three waves of art showed there over the past year, along with Jameson’s, the Horsehead, and Unfine art museum. These are my favorite places to hang my work- the crowds that go there all seem to like it, and I get good feedback from the folks in these places.

Plus, the speakeasy is where every good death metal and sludge doom band plays, here in town. So of course I like hanging my skulls there.


ready for the art show!

Labels ready, statement ready, credit card machine set up, everything is set…

and I am still nervous.


I always am, I’ve been doing shows for over a decade and I get nervous as hell every time.

Wish me luck folks.


Oh yeah, side note: here’s my facebook art fan page, if you’d rather “like” than “add”.

I don’t bite, drop me a line! Or come on out to the show. I love seeing internet people in real life.

feather and tar

human bones, on the other hand, are just fine. as long as you didn’t collect them yourself.

The most recent revisions to the migratory bird act can be found online; my favorite part, and the most useful, is the list of species NOT covered by the act. These are the birds I find, use, and adore (along with game birds, and pets). If you decide to scroll to the bottom (or actually read the notes, I don’t know what kind of sicko you are, after all) you will find quite an extensive list, many of which you will also find represented in my artworks.

I collect a lot at wildlife facilities, and the feathers and bone I collect there are from birds that do not inhabit north america or the US.

As for bones, skulls, and incidentals of mammals and reptiles/amphibians- I don’t use anything on the CITES list, I either purchase or obtain my pieces legally; sometimes through roadkill salvage where that’s permitted, by finding natural remains, or by beach combing.

It’s not hard to find beautiful natural objects. Simply taking a walk away from other people is often enough. I use plant materials, as well, and collect those in the same way. There’s something deeply fulfilling about walking, looking, and finding. I will use anything I find in some way, just about- whether for my private collection or for artwork.

I do have an artist’s statement hanging wherever these sorts of works are shown. If you’re at the gallery it’ll be right by the first piece you see when you walk in. I will probably post it up here this time too.

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