spending a whole day listening to a co-worker sing

two workers, one rock

her first tattoo, and she sat still and did great!
I love collaborations. I spent one whole day last week working solely on collabs with splat. We worked some more on the tree/phoenix backpiece we started a while back, and also began working on a peacock/lily half sleeve.
It’s hard to sit for two artists at once and both of these women were great, strong people. I’ve had collaborative work done on me and it’s no picnic. I’m always hoping that the people who come in and sit so well for me and my co-workers know that they should be really proud of themselves because it’s very hard to do that, and they do it with such aplomb.
It makes you feel good about yourself to be able to handle something like this; I know for me, sitting for two artists at once gave me a whole new idea about how strong I could be and made me a lot less afraid of physical pain than I had been before.
Kudos to the collab clients, you guys are the best. A few more pictures after the jump.