Zerk's Ther Stergern.

DSC_0247I drew this sturgeon yesterday, and got to tattoo it on my friend and colleague Zach. I tattooed him years ago- on his 18th birthday (or thereabouts) I did a gigantic chest piece on him all in one session. I knew then he’d end up in my tribe, and I was right. Today, years later, he’s not only a heavy tattoo collector but a skilled piercer as well.

After we finished the sturgeon, I filled in a tiny space right on his elbow knob with an old-school eyeball- simple as hell and funny. He’s got a whole arm full of traditional american patchwork, and adding my own little bit to that was awesome.

It was a fun time, that’s for damn sure.

I also spent some time drawing and working on the Bee Queen painting. I put a temporary tattoo on Whitney, and I took a few other photos around the shop…including a furious sausage tattoo I did a few years ago on Curby.




Zerk’s Ther Stergern.

DSC_0247I drew this sturgeon yesterday, and got to tattoo it on my friend and colleague Zach. I tattooed him years ago- on his 18th birthday (or thereabouts) I did a gigantic chest piece on him all in one session. I knew then he’d end up in my tribe, and I was right. Today, years later, he’s not only a heavy tattoo collector but a skilled piercer as well.

After we finished the sturgeon, I filled in a tiny space right on his elbow knob with an old-school eyeball- simple as hell and funny. He’s got a whole arm full of traditional american patchwork, and adding my own little bit to that was awesome.

It was a fun time, that’s for damn sure.

I also spent some time drawing and working on the Bee Queen painting. I put a temporary tattoo on Whitney, and I took a few other photos around the shop…including a furious sausage tattoo I did a few years ago on Curby.




Five reasons some tattoos hurt more than others.

4e5e78bb33d5f17bc32071ea1be508d7-d3gtw12I hurt everyone the same. I’ve heard I have a heavy hand, a light hand, I’ve had people fall asleep, giggle, cry, complain, pass out, sit still and do nothing…all shades of response. But my machines are set one way and my hand is set one way and that doesn’t change unless you have leathery elbows and knuckles you want worked on and I have to pry the cells apart to get the ink in there at all…hurting people more takes more work than not hurting them. Think about it.

The reason I’ve heard all these things, when I’m doing the same thing every time?



hand-painting prints

Sometimes I feel like just making prints of a painting isn’t enough.

I feel like- man when I buy stuff, I buy prints because I like the artist but can’t afford a bigger piece- but I always feel like it’s not as good as an original. So I end up kind of going halfway sometimes, and painting over a print of my own work.

I’ll do the painting first.

I did this in watercolor and colored pencil on plain tinted paper,then painted over the prints with blood and white highlights.

If you plan to try this, make sure your original art has decent contrast and a solid area or three where detail or added color would add, rather than detract, from it.

further instructions after the break:




one of those slushy days.


every once in a while i can’t even sketch. i run dry, I’ve got nothing new to pull out of my brain. those are the days i dig through sketches and start looking for seeds.


the trio, bat taxidermy

taxidermied bats

Three taxidermy bats- two indonesian bats (chemically preserved) and one northwest bat, humanely collected, preserved with salt, disinfectant materials, and time, (completely mummified and sanitary) and mounted on a birch plaque with mouse and vole bones and preserved hawkmoths and cicada shells. All have been sanitized and dried completely, handled with care.

I adore bats. I think they’re amazing, beautiful creatures, and I have been donating to a few projects meant to combat white-nose fungus, which has been killing off bats across the Americas for a while now. It’s really sad because bats keep all insects in check, plus they are ADORABLE.

Ships nestled carefully in protective packaging, to the US only. $200 includes shipping, handling, tracking, and insurance (USPS)

Plaque is approximately 6×15″. Bats are mummified completely, all bones are sealed and odorless.

a (relatively) thorough guide to getting a tattoo


we get socially awkward too!

A long list of things that will help you get through your tattoo session, and have great work to wear afterward:

The night before:

  • Don’t drink heavily. If it will make you hungover, it will thin your blood the next day.
  • Get to bed on time. It may feel like christmas eve and be hard to sleep, but the rest will make you less fidgety the following day.
  • Check your funds. Make sure you have enough to cover the cost and a tip. Make sure you’ll have enough left over to eat something or buy bottled water or any incidental snack you might want while you get tattooed.
  • if you have an appointment, call the shop and verify the time. Artists are human and can make mistakes, so make sure you know exactly when you are supposed to be there and how much it will cost.
  • For a spontaneous tattoo, all these are true. Don’t decide to get tattooed after a night drinking; if you’ve been up all night; if you are using drugs; or if you aren’t sure you have enough money. Call the shop the night before and ask if anyone can take walk-ins the following day. They may even make room for you.
  • Make sure you have any art reference or doctor’s notes you will need. Also, check your ID or driver’s license and make sure it’s not expired! If so, some studios allow you to use your passport, but it’s better to know ahead of time!


starting the path to the Tower, a few pictures, some drawings done by amazing people

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watermarking is a pain in the ass.

You need to watermark all of your art, all your tattoo pictures. Everything you post online. I need to remember to do this, too. I’m going through and watermarking some pictures, and just realized…well, if I already posted them someplace, then I’d have to go back through and replace them all, and then the links would no longer work or whatever, plus people have already saved them and now have no idea where they came from… I mean, watermarking isn’t HARD to do, it’s just hard to REMEMBER to do, every time I post something. I get too excited and I throw stuff up into the internet before I do it pretty often.

no watermark

no watermark

I also have a habit of losing original downsized images (for submissions online to magazines or whatever) and then I have to go back to the original scan and re-size it. I’ve had quite a few images or pieces of art get a ton of exposure, but most of those weren’t watermarked. I wish I could say I’ve learned from that and that I watermark everything now, but I still forget.

easy to cover or crop out, also ugly

easy to cover or crop out, also ugly

I try to put my watermark in a place where it’s difficult to crop out of the image, but doesn’t interfere with it. Some people or sites will still cover up this kind of watermark wit their own (THE ABSOLUTE BASTARDS) but for the most part it works. All I really care about is that if someone sees my art someplace they can then find me if they want to buy it.

hard to crop out without destroying the image subject, not too intrusive, readable. that's the right one.

hard to crop out without destroying the image subject, not too intrusive, readable. that’s the right one.

I use photoshop for watermarks, because I like them to be a bit transparent. But if I am truly lazy that day I just use paint. Either works. I love it when people share my work, no doubt. It just frustrates me that the work doesn’t always lead back to me. I get sad when I see art posted, someone asking “man that’s awesome who did that?” and the answer is “I dunno, I found it someplace and I don’t remember where” Watermarks are so that people remember where. Once you have a good watermark on a picture, you can relax a little. You can start getting happy and open about where people share the image, even about whether they download it and print a small picture of it. Because it’s got a recognizable name on it, it will lead anyone that sees it right back to you. And that’s the important thing when it comes to posting stuff online- that your art gets seen by lots of people. I mean, otherwise why post it? You want to share your work; you want people who would like your work to get to enjoy it and maybe talk to you about it or even buy some. So watermark everything! Now if only I can remember to follow my own advice.



advance copy of the horrors!

the first copy has arrived. still waiting on the full shipment to get here so I can start sending them out to you guys!!!

to buy one, click here.

here’s the teaser pictures:

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I’m excited and impatient !

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