weird ways people have found this site, and their quick questions.

2008, work gear.

2008, work gear.

It’s time for the yearly list of weird searches that have brought people here, and questions that I can answer in a few words.
I can see search terms that people have used to find my site so every year I trawl through them and find the ones that make me giggle- or the ones that are simple questions I can answer. This year was a good year for this.

4 reasons why tattoo clients can't be "stolen"

will bodnar, cicada tattoo, anji marth, high priestess tattoo, at tattoo conventionI was having a conversation with someone who mentioned that they tried to keep artists at their shop from “stealing” clients from the shop, or each other. It really disturbed me, and here are a few reasons why (I hate writing in list format)

4 reasons why tattoo clients can’t be “stolen”

will bodnar, cicada tattoo, anji marth, high priestess tattoo, at tattoo conventionI was having a conversation with someone who mentioned that they tried to keep artists at their shop from “stealing” clients from the shop, or each other. It really disturbed me, and here are a few reasons why (I hate writing in list format)

weeping willow doll.


ink, watercolor, wash. wicked creepy doll with weeping willow. you can find it among my originals & prints here

another batch of new things.

CAM02732I’ve been offline more than on due to holiday things, I hope you guys are all having a warm winter so far!
Here are a few things I’ve been working on. They’re all for sale at I think.

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More ear weights, dangles, and other crafty things.

1604774_10152561631552712_2406402589899347813_nAll of these new pairs are listed at
I finished a few on commission as well, this past week. I love it when I get to make things for people.

Most of these are beadweaving on top of threadwrapping with some extra stone or piece as a focal point.

I use wood as a base material- the coils or hoops are all from companies that make safe body jewelry (I’ve used tawapa’s stuff a lot as a base to work on) and are all wood. I like wood.

I’ve also made a few smaller, stick-earring style pieces on horn.

a (relatively) thorough guide to getting a tattoo

lots of first-timers come in around the holidays. here’s your handy guide to getting tattooed!

Dying is easy, life is hard

if you don’t like spoilers or are too fragile don’t read any further and avoid the comments.

ethel the actress

this dog was not harmed in the making of this death scene

I usually only watch horror films, spiced with the occasional psychological thriller,sci-fi indy film, or action flick. So recently when someone asked me what my favorite death scene was, from a movie, I first piped up with an obvious one from one of my favorite horror movies.

“No,” she said. “I mean for the impact it had on you. Not for the plot to advance.”
I had to think hard. I mean, very hard. There are so many deaths in the movies I watch, you see, and yet most of them are plot devices, not seriously meaningful beyond that. Not the kind of thing that affects me, really. I mean, even when I watch emotional movies, I don’t get very emotional, and I’ve never cried during a movie (books, yes. movies? no.)

So after a few days of deep thought, I’ve made a list. There are a lot of spoilers in it, and if you don’t like spoilers or are too fragile to handle knowing the end of something don’t read any further and avoid the comments. I’m serious, I’ll just delete comments complaining about spoilers. 


HAPPY HOLIDAYS (with room to write the specific one in, so your grandma doesn't get confrontational)

All pretty much holiday-neutral, with blank interiors. Except the Fuck-You-Santa, because…that one is just good anyway.


HAPPY HOLIDAYS (with room to write the specific one in, so your grandma doesn’t get confrontational)

All pretty much holiday-neutral, with blank interiors. Except the Fuck-You-Santa, because…that one is just good anyway.


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