New year!

imageAs of January first, I’m taking no more commissions for specific art. all the things i make will still be for sale, i just won’t be working to order for a while.

I’ve come to realize that only rarely do I feel good doing commissioned work, i usually under price it and end up working nearly free… and since these last two projects I’ve got lined up are so fun and not shitty like that, i want to end on a high note.

Again- I’ll still be making things, and those things will be for sale.

At the end of january. I’ll be busy finishing off my kickstarter- the horror coloring book project ends then, and I’ll be either sending them out, or crying because they didn’t get enough backers! If you haven’t checked the project out yet, please do! And if you want the book, back it so it gets printed! And -please share the link, whether or not you can pitch in. The more eyes see it the better- there are only 25 days left for it to raise enough to go to press. (and unless some miracles happen soon, it won’t get funded. It’s only a fifth of the way there.)

After that, I’ve got some travel to do- a visit to Seattle, and to Oregon, to tattoo.

So I think my time for commissions is going to be limited anyway. I’ll possibly take commissions again at a later time, but I can’t say when.


Little bit of holiday paint


Finished teapot, blocking in dahlia, working on magpie.



Things your tattoo artist doesn’t tell you (Part One)

empathy overloadThe tattoo we do for you is just a tattoo. For me, it’s a way to make something awesome that someone gets to keep forever no matter what. It’s not ‘therapy’, ‘psychology’, or some kind of healing…for you it may serve some of those purposes but that does NOT HAVE TO INVOLVE ME. It’s not my place to heal you, listen to your life story, or pick up your emotional weight for you.

If you use your tattoo for healing that is great. Tattoos can do that. But be careful of anyone who claims THEY can heal you, that they are the one doing it. They’re not. It’s YOU doing it.

If they say they can heal you? They’re just as sheisty as any snake-oil peddler.

I don’t need to know why you are getting a tattoo. In fact I usually would rather NOT hear the long tale of woe or history behind your decisions. I can’t see your tattoo from my house, I can’t fix you, my knowledge of your reasons isn’t going to make the tattoo better at all. It might in fact distract me from my actual job; making something beautiful that you will want to look at until you’re ancient.


Working on a teapot, process of watercolor.

14×20″ watercolor teapot.  Sketched, then masked, then washed in, then starting an underpainting. I got an easel and pochade for solstice, and a brush and paper block for xmas!



featured in gonelawn!

LOVE gonelawn. I read the site every new issue that comes out, and recently I realized I could actually submit work to them! They’ve published a previously-unseen shot of the spider monkey skeleton as their cover image. It’s the upcoming issue, #13.

Here are a few of my favorite pieces from the journal.

Let’s Play The Shame Game.

Such good writing always hits a nerve.

solstice is my holiday.

wpid-CAM00463.jpgIt’s the beginning of solstice, the real, actual, determined-by-math halfway point of winter. I begin my solstice now, and until the 21st. I wish you all warm and happy days with people you love. And a happy holiday, whichever one you pick.

Working on Red Squirrel today!

CAM03293[1]Starting my sketches and tinting some paper for him. He’s going to be a ginger cutie.

I think this is number 18, in the animal series.


6 reasons to post your art online (even if you’re nervous)

shy owlI know, you’re shy! It’s ok, so am I.

Posting your art online can feel very exposing, much like a gallery show. Posting it to social media or other sites can feel scary; and a lot of the time the fear of negative response keeps people from presenting their work online. You don’t have to be afraid, though. Yes, you may get negative responses to your work. You may get criticisms, or even personal jabs at you. But there are benefits to posting online  that definitely outweigh the emotional turmoil these things can cause.


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