
excerpt from chapter seven (?), The Ningen

smallningenNingen are the only cryptid in Antarctica. They’re pale, white like the ice in the ocean where they live. They hve finned hands, and no other facial features than eyes and mouths. Some claim they have legs, others that they have a whale-like tail.
They’re usually seen at night, from a boat. There are almost no photographs of them, and very few reports of sightings. However for the area in which they live, there are few people and fewer still looking into the waves.
The first sightings were during the 1990s, as more people were working in the antarctic. They’re massive creatures, between 60 and 90 feet long. Most claim they have hands, like human hands, with five fingers.
No ningen has yet been captured, dead or alive.

updates to the site, and progress on the book.

DSC_1310I’ve been writing hard to catch up, the book is about a week behind my optimistic schedule but still well ahead of my promised dates.

I did take a few minutes today to update some things around the site here, including adding the imaginarium page, and sorting the format on another page or two.

I should be back to regular posts once the book is licked into shape.

tattoo dates.


little owl tattoo

blinky the cuppycake owl

My times in Salem are pretty much full, except for a few hours here and there for tiny things.

I still have some days open in Seattle, but get hold of me fast as they’re getting filled quickly.

I have april 23, 24, 25 and 27 open now, in Seattle.

I have very short sessions open may 4 from noon til 3, and on may 6 from noon til 3, in Salem.


After this trip I will be back on sabbatical again  until June, when I will be available in Phoenix for a few days.

tattoo dates!

I’ll be in Seattle from April 24-30, tattooing at laughing buddha. contact me by email to make a date!

I’ll be in Salem Oregon from may 3-7, I only have one or two slots open still, so reach me fast of you want to get tattooed while I am there!

resonanteye @ gmail . com


recovering from some medical things.

wpid-cam00132.jpgI’ll be back in a few days, I had some testing done and it knocked me flat for a bit!

book is still in the process, with a few days’ delay because of this.

wonderful birthday!

CAM02881Today I had a couple sips of coffee, which was incredible. I have missed coffee so much since I’ve been sick.

I had pancakes and sushi too!

I go to the belly doctor tomorrow and am somewhat nervous. But it’s also great because they moved my appointment up by a whole month!

I have been listening to fantomas and napping…hawkins has cleared my artists’s garrett out for me, so now I have a room for paint and draw.

The house is warm. I had a great birthday.

I’ll probably post gross doctor pictures tomorrow, and maybe some of the new studio/painting space.

the black dog

I can hear his footsteps approaching. he will get closer until August, the worst month for me- then recede.

the black dog  will follow your scent with no pause. I have outrun him many times, used the proper talismans and pills to stave him off-but once you’ve been marked by him, he’s persistent and indefatigable.

my current work is staving him off, my next works may also help. but I know he’s there, and eventually I’ll have to do exhausting battle with him again.

if you have depression, use anything you can to keep the black dog from your door. those of us who know him well will understand. reach out to those who know his shadow in the path, and never feel it’s too much to ask- you would help others, just as others will help you.

those of us who know are all in this battle together. I’ve fought the black dog since I was a child and I know many of you have too. if you can find someone else who has been depressed, talk to them as soon as you know it’s coming on. it will help. you won’t be a burden.

(image not actually the real black dog)(just a derp hound not sure about the snow)


illness, returning to internet

I was very ill the last five days, but I am on the mend. I’ll be posting regularly again now.

Here are a few images to tide you over.

kiss_by_resonanteye-d2448gf DSC_1310DSC_0988

thunderbird, bunyip, in progress




not-so-messy glasswork by Di Parsons.

IMGP45341. Most artists have a favorite medium, what is yours? If you work in multiple media, which one is the most enjoyable for you?

My favourite medium is glass. In particular, lampwork. My first love has always been glass, and I’m thrilled to finally get to work it myself, even lateish in life. My inner dragon is very, very happy.

I never could sculpt, or draw, or paint. But somehow, with my hands in front of a torch throwing a flame hot enough to boil glass, I can create things that were only possible in my wishes before.  I find I can use glass to express my often silly and blackish sense of humour.  Adding melting glass to more hot glass means I can build things I wouldn’t even have dreamed of before my inner dragon was woken.

2. Do you have any secret shortcuts? I mean, do you use odd tools, techniques, or anything else that isn’t strictly status-quo for your medium? How did you figure out that it worked?

LOL short-cuts is my middle name! So often, many glassworkers have to be resourceful in terms of tools and techniques. ‘Proper’ tools are expensive, so I have a lot of items that weren’t meant to be used as hot glass tools, which work just as well. Steel items, like cutlery can be used to great effect. One of my favourite tools is a simple flat-ended awl from a mini screwdriver set, while another is a steel apple/cheese corer. Even a pair of teabag tongs can be the go-to.  I’m always on the lookout for tools that I can use.  The best tool of all, however is a sense of humour. Without that, I’d hardly be making anything.


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