just a pile of holidays.

10301432_10152604079192712_2483789897173591800_nIn our house, we celebrate solstice, hannukah, festivus, and xmas.

Here are some images from those days- I’ll be back posting more art and advice posts after the weekend! Hope you all are safe and warm, and well fed.


weird ways people have found this site, and their quick questions.

2008, work gear.

2008, work gear.

It’s time for the yearly list of weird searches that have brought people here, and questions that I can answer in a few words.
I can see search terms that people have used to find my site so every year I trawl through them and find the ones that make me giggle- or the ones that are simple questions I can answer. This year was a good year for this.

weeping willow doll.


ink, watercolor, wash. wicked creepy doll with weeping willow. you can find it among my originals & prints here

another batch of new things.

CAM02732I’ve been offline more than on due to holiday things, I hope you guys are all having a warm winter so far!
Here are a few things I’ve been working on. They’re all for sale at http://paperanji.etsy.com I think.

CAM02729CAM02633 CAM02582

a (relatively) thorough guide to getting a tattoo

lots of first-timers come in around the holidays. here’s your handy guide to getting tattooed!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS (with room to write the specific one in, so your grandma doesn’t get confrontational)



All pretty much holiday-neutral, with blank interiors. Except the Fuck-You-Santa, because…that one is just good anyway.


HAPPY HOLIDAYS (with room to write the specific one in, so your grandma doesn't get confrontational)



All pretty much holiday-neutral, with blank interiors. Except the Fuck-You-Santa, because…that one is just good anyway.


holiday coupon time.



il_570xN.678145670_gv7cIf you’re ordering from either of my etsy shops, from now until december 10, use the coupon code FANDOM to get 15% off!

more mandalas/mandorlas in progress, and more weights.

10385462_10152534229277712_4284179556424281984_n 10301430_10152537994682712_8052181483161188352_n 10371945_10152538220872712_6470100176889972687_n 10408802_10152538364107712_8485237059122238684_n


mandorla with keyholes, purple weights





mandalas for tattoos I’m planning. ear weights are available at http://paperanji.etsy.com

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