til they’re old enough to fly?

second session.

rosie posie

I’m in the mood to do some roses. Nice, crisp, pretty ones. I work tomorrow through saturday…hint. hint.


from reference she brought along: still, wicked fun.

cock o the walk

vietnam wall in progress/detail

Waitress in progress


Detail shot

3/4 sleeve




Cthulu in progress.


More beastly less squidly.

I started this coverup on Hawkins; there used to be a jester and a really bad dragon under there. cthulu works…cthulu and a little cocoon friend.

Where do fairy babies lie?

imageDuring this tattoo session I treated my client to a reading of a terrible saccharine poem about a fairy flower baby.

I think the tattoo came out well, all things considered.

Sorry you tiger now!


In progress.

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