curb your dog


carbon county environmental center

has an amazing skull and taxidermy collection. They do a lot to educate folks about the local flora and fauna. They were also very welcoming to us when we were there.

If you’re in the neighborhood check em out.

blue whale!!!

dryad lady

sun, fish, smurfed


she already had the sun outline.

“not a bluefish. blue fish.”


honeysuckle sparrow/smoking pug

A day in the life of my little sister.

The pug is named Ethel and she is obsessed with cigarettes. She steals them from your hand or the ashtray and smokes them, or eats them if they’re unlit.

She wasn’t forced, in fact my sister has to remove all cigarette butts from the entire property to keep her from devouring them. The cigarette she is smoking here was stolen from me while I was smoking it.

Also, that’s her tattoo I did for her, (my sister, not the smoking dog) of a sparrow and some honeysuckle.

smokestack heart

slightly bloody megaman

fresh photo. just did this tonight.

night of the living costello


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