curation ideas, and old tattoos

owl tattooToday I am curating shadowboxes, thanks to my friend Deb (twistedpixelstudios). She gave me a series of remarkable ideas!!!


Here is an older piece of tattooing I did a while back, to tide you over until a few of these are ready for photos.



work in progress…

darth marth day.

darth vader tattoo darth vader tattoo in progressone finished, one in progress!

excuse the crappy photos,

I left my good camera at home, and had

to use the crappy phone camera.

saviour complex

eye tattoo with lettering on chestWhat I worked on today.

tattoo convention! ink traveler’s photos.

ink travelers tattoo conventionink travelers tattoo conventionHere are some pictures from the tattoo convention, what a great time!

Thanks to my clients who sat so well this weekend, and everyone who bought some of my art, I really had a great time chatting with everyone and talking shop. xox

more after the jump.


roughing it


some landscape sketches.
I’m working the vancouver, wa convention this coming weekend, hope to see some of you there!
(yes, I do have a little tattoo time open.)

dick fez.

today I had fun.

the gayest tattoo in the world

lgbt pride tattooI’m not even joking!

This was so fun to do.

Rainbows make me happy…

original post here.

on learning to tattoo.

owl tattoo brown tattoos on hipI get a lot of people asking me how to get started, wanting to show their art and find out if they should try to be tattoo artists.

They will ask about apprenticeships, teaching, equipment, schools, kits, “practicing at home”, “teaching themselves”, and all kinds of other stuff. I took the time a while ago to write up an article explaining how to get into tattooing the right way, how to learn without fucking people up, and how to find a decent place to learn from.

I hope this helps someone decide to go the right path to tattooing, and helps others decide it’s just not worth that much to them.

If you really are dedicated and persistent, if you really, really mean it, then you will eventually get there.

Unless you take shortcuts. Don’t take those. Do it the right way, even though it’s harder at the start.

I don’t review portfolios or teach anyone; but if you have more questions after reading this article, feel free to email me.


“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
– Leo Tolstoy



I had the chance to do a purple tulip today.

I LOVE these flowers. So much. She had a few stretch marks- she has been losing weight.  Right now, in this picture, the tattoo is fresh and so they appear raised a bit, but when it heals they will be barely noticable. Stretch marks are easy to cover with tattoos, as long as the tattoo subject itself has some texture- like a flower, a branch. Something with varying contrast and color.

She sat like a champ, and her friend (one of my regulars) brought me some chocolate-marshmallow-peanut fudge stuff which is AMAZING. After this I did a smaller piece on a good friend.

What a great day.

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