oregon tsunami. work in progress.

We did a 4 1/2 or 5 hour session on this. It’s a cover-up of an older tattoo, a medium-sized rose and banner was there before.

This fellow lived in Eugene for a good long while, and so he wanted a memento of Oregon. We’re doing Mt. Hood at the backdrop of the waves, on the underside of his arm.

This, a version of the great wave as painted by Hokusai, is simply that- a great wave. Our man Joe is a surfer, and currently lives in Socal- we talked a bit about my fear of swimming in the ocean (SHARKS.) and his lack of fear (DOLPHINS AND PUPPIES). He works as a biologist, right now he is working with condors. I LOVE VULTURES AND CONDORS.

We also had some good book conversation, we’d both read Mutant Message, and a bit of McKenna, and he recommended some music to me, and I recommended he read The Flounder.

He also sat like a champ. It was a long, and brutal session, encompassing both his front and back armpits AND the knob up top by the collarbone, not to mention a large raised scar up there that must have stung! But he sat quite still through it all.

I can’t wait to finish this. I still have to refine the splashed droplets of white, and blue- and reline the cloud areas- and finish the mountain underneath.

totally self-indulgent photo post.

just some photos of me on my days off.

nothing to see here, move along, move along.

ah hell. have a gallery.



now that the rainbow has banished all our troubles

tattoo on mechanicI will write about something else.

The birds are singing but the sun is not even near up.

It’s drizzling outside (as always). I plan to go down to the river today.

I plan to drill holes in rocks to vent frustration.

I plan to paint, or work with some bones tonight.

And I will be offline because I have had enough for now.


peach without color.

guests at the secret ranger station!

ImageArizona Mary is visiting for a few days. Since there’s a good ow tide tomorrow afternoon, I am going to take her collecting with me. Should be good!

Also, I’ve been playing around with printing on vellum, and painting a few day of the dead commissions. More on those as they get closer to finished.

Here’s some of the prints, in the meantime. I’m still experimenting with the vellum, so I’m not sure what I’ll end up making with it, but printing on it is pretty interesting so far.

evil dead 2 tattoo, and a large tiger

bruce campbell portraittiger tattoosome tattoos I worked on on sunday.

a bruce campbell portrait, and a large tiger (finished!)

ms.vader, and a zombie tattoo

lady darth vader tattoozombie tattoowhat I did at work today!

wizard beard



(all my photography is available here,


go take a peek)

sketches and such


some tattoos I’m doing soon…

snow, fire, log, paint


power out, snow outside. my log was on the front page of etsy. my laptop died. and I’m painting.

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