I miss my grandfather.
A lot.
He was a WWII vet. He was a hard worker. He was a great guy. I loved him very much.
That is all.
I’ve got a painting by my friend Nora, a photograph my friend Rachel took, and two big collage mounts by louter . I bought one from her after seeing it in person then commissioned her to make a matching one for me. They’re gorgeous.
Her stuff is mde of nature mostly, bits and pieces. But she also paints, adds texture and color in ways that are sometimes surprising and always good for the eyes.Lots of leaves, twigs, tendrils. And then on top of all this nature and decay, electric blue, gold, searing violets or yellow. Amazing stuff. We had a show together at a local place here, it was really nice to see her work alongside mine. I love her art and just can’t see enough of it.
Go check her out, it’s awesome work (and not all that expensive, all things considered)
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