
I’ve had a few people ask me why I use “resonanteye” as a name. I’ve been using it since before the internet, as a pen name at first and then with the advent of email, as my address and username.

ancient picture of me and some guy at some shop

full explanation and some interesting stuff after the jump


Blacklight inks

several points to be remembered about blacklight inks:

  • 1NO INK OR PIGMENT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FDA FOR TATTOOING HUMAN BEINGS. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH. there is a brand of ink that was approved for marking animals meant for human consumption. This is totally different (and was exploited by said company in a mildly dishonest way in their advertising.)
  • (more…)

the history of resonanteye

HERE is a link for those of you who are curious about what was going on here back when I first started getting into all this stuff. I’d only been tattooing a short while, so please don’t think I am always moronic. thanks. (more…)

about promoting yourself

Promotion comes easily to a lot of tattooers. When I first started tattooing, I was shy, a hermit. I disliked talking to people and pretty much felt uncomfortable in my own skin. I did not, and do not now, have great social skills and an outgoing personality. I also have always been a geek, nerd, dork. A skank. A weirdo. Not popular.

Promotion requires friendliness. You have to like people, to convince them that there is good reason for them to come to you for their visual needs. Yes, skill and talent and innate genius go a long way, but not all the way. You have to learn to shake hands and smile. To play nice.

I discovered, after tattooing for a few years, that I genuinely liked the people I was working on. Tattoo clientele vary regionally of course, but I found that even the “worst” client base were people that I naturally thought were pretty cool. They wanted to get a tattoo. Often they were witty, or silly, or just interesting. I decided I liked these people.


on drawing flash

I am assuming you are a tattoo artist in writing this. If you’re not, it’s not going to help you much anyway.

Most tattooers draw some flash, at least once, somewhere along the line. It’s common to start trying to draw flash when you realize that you’ve accumulated a big pile of sketches that you haven’t tattooed yet, thinking, “I could make a flash set, or a sketchbook, out of all this stuff.”

This is a trap.


life drawing resources

If you have never taken a life or gesture drawing class, you really should. It will take you much further than any anatomy book can. here are some resources to get back into the swing of figure drawing (more…)

flash pile. ugh.

Yesterday we went through all the flash and got rid of a bunch, and put up some new stuff, and weeded out all the horrible things…old things…things that we not only never use for referrence, but never want to-

John loggerdogger bruki nicky me and travis; all of us….all freakin day. here we are hard at work
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today I have the day off. I am painting- here’s in progress and done picture that I did first thing. Now it’s back to the drawing board, I have one or two other projects I wanna try to get finished today.
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Oh and I almost forgot, I also started working on this big rework coverup thingies on feral night before last. we did some other stuff to the front of it before, so now I’ve started on the back.

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punk rawk fables

I actually went out twice this week! Amazing!

On thursday, I did a big, big, smooth-transition grey tattoo. It’s extremely challenging to get such a large area of gradient even and smooth…I haven’t felt so challenged in a long while. Click read more for some pictures.

I did this, but I only got about halfway through it. The empty spaces are where later, we will put some hawks. All in black and white.

then I worked on a piece for Matt. On his pigacorn, farting a rainbow. I love that fucking thing.

Then I went out- we went to the emo district, me and Al and Travis. Enigma had come by the shop ealier in the day, so we went to see what he was up to. He was performing- there was some tv stuff being filmed. His show was funny and awesome as always…and he scared Al first:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Then he scared me AND Al,Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

then he and Al scared some other people:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketthen travis came up and scared HIM!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Then last night, I worked on my day off for a few hours, to start this WWI inspired piece on Al’s chest. It matches up kinda with the piece Splat did on the other side of his chest. Eventually the stuff in the background will be poppies, and there will be a vulture on top of it. It was really fun.

Then I met up with Jemimah, and we all went to the Pistol Whipped Prophets show.

I had a great time. Today I finished Nicki’s arm, the raccoon. I’m happy with everything but his little hand. Wish it had more detail.

I also started moving my stuff into my new workspace. I’m pretty excited about the move- I’ve been in the same room for four years. That’s longer than I’ve even ever worked in a shop! wowza how time flies.This room is not done, obviously

Also, my flash is finished. Here’s a tiny picture.

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