
Marylin was kinda upset but only I think because she didn’t realize that they post not only ugly or “bad” work, but also joke tattoos and silly ones, that are well done. I understand that not knowing what the site was like she would be pretty upset. But I love that site so…

Any rate here’s the tattoo that caused the flak.

At any rate, this is my own photo of the tattoo. It came out great and makes me really happy. Marylin is an awesome person, and the tattoo made us both giggle a ton. So it didn’t bother me to see it posted there. Go check out their site, too. Except for the fact that they don’t even TRY to find the source for the better-quality tattoos and credit the artists (COME ON GUYS) it’s a great site. And the truly ugly tattoos that do get posted are hilarious too.


in progress


move zig







Got to do a really fun piece today-

Video game stuff.

On a rad chick who talked internet meme talk

to her manfriend the whole time

which made me lmao.

opart opillusion calf

second session


I love my people. Full photoset here– you must be 18/flickrmember to view. Because it is nsfw. I posted a few worksafe images in this set, too.

anomalous motion illusion…the tattoo that dare not speak its name

anomalous motion tattooanomalous motion tattooSpent a few hours working on this. Yes, I had a migraine afterwards. Yes there were moments when I felt green and had to look away. Most of those moments came along during the last hour, when the majority of the piece had been finished, and I could begin to see a bit of movement even when I was up close on it. I took some excedrin and had a few drinks after work, that helped bring me back to normal. My eyes were skewy for a few hours after I was done working.

It was a challenge and I am so stoked that I got to do this! I love anomalous motion illusions. I really wanted to do at least one of them, try to make it work on skin. This was a good start. I’ve got a few more of these on the way.

What an awesome day!

Why these work: Your brain sees the shadow of the shapes, or areas that converge, as possible movement. Since there’s a lag between your eye seeing it and your brain understanding it, images like this appear to move. Your peripheral vision and your direct focus have a time lag as well.

Your brain interprets the image as conatining motion. In this one people may see radiating spikes of shadow that move around, or motion into or out of the center, or vibration.

Anomalous motion is your mind playing tricks on you, basically.

A more concrete explanation.

work I have done that is somewhat psychedelic/op-art

 the most maddening stencil to create, hands down.this one was too dark/confusing.

the most maddening stencil to create, hands down.this one was too dark/confusing.

more fonts. bad picture!

A damn cell phone photo of a fun font tattoo.

Done for fun, on my friend Angie.


liz’s leg. finally finsihed!

breaking sticks

headless horseman

phoenix visit

vonnegutcactiiArizona was hot, dusty, dry. I got to spend some time with my good friends Dana and Michelle and JD, Mary, Derek and Richard, and Paul, and Kat.

Several nights it rained, lightning in the desert is amazing, hot fat drops pounding us. Michelle and I danced in the downpour and JD and I tried to catch lightning in our cameras (and failed). I saw a javelina. A lot of elk. A coyote. Some jackrabbits. Lizards everywhere!

I had a rough time getting back but all in all it was a great trip.

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