Things I made during the holiday season.

gold coral ear weights

real gold coral and real garnet with real amber on sawa wood coils.


I’ve been making things off and on over the hoiday time. I also got some better photos (with size comparison) for the pieces I’ve already made. I have a ton of new materials to work with too, which means the next wave of weights will be pretty awesome.

Excited! Click through for more photos of the new things.

iridescent glass and beadweaving stick earrings

horn stick earrings with beadweaving and iridescent glass.

glass pendulum ear weights

suede-wrapped glass pendulums with beadweaving.

drilled river stone er weights

river stones with real amber and beadweaving.

jet weights on sawa wood coils

beadweaving with oak and jet accents.

black glass beadweaving on sawa wood coils

matte black beadweaving.


in progress- beadweaving with snowflake obsidian chips.

ammonite tribal style stick earrings

beadwoven stick earrings with ammonites wrapped in copper wire.