reworking my patreon with YOUR feedback!

I’m rebuilding and restructuring my Patreon today, and I’m wondering what you all would like to see:
  • for free (there will always be some free content there!)
  • for small monthly subscriptions (what would you pay 3 bucks a month to look at?)
  • for bigger amounts (tattoo classes or info that’s more guarded? art tech? readings from my books? what???)
  • physical goods- books, preprints, zines, art prints? early access to sales of originals, discounts?
if you have suggestions, ideas, things you’d like to see, thoughts about what you would pay for or what you think would be worth paying for (and your thoughts on costs!)
please let me know. you can see my patreon at this link.
feel free to go look at the free content there, see what I’ve been posting behind the paywall with the previews, and let me know what you think. I’m interested in YOU and your thoughts; your criticism is more than welcome!
most recent post: is talking about flash, history, and showing some pieces from my collection.

The Sweet Mercy of Mademoiselle Rat.

1507979_652634554798130_164619109_nMost artists have a favorite medium, what is yours?If you work in multiple media, which one is the most enjoyable for you?

For more than 25 years my favorite medium has been putting ink on people’s skin. Now I love oil on canvas and is what I mostly work on.

Do you have any secret shortcuts?

I did for tattooing,when I started nobody wanted to teach me,so I had to find out techniques by myself, 25 years ago female tattoo artist in France was just hell. Tried everything to solder needles,from super-glue to blowtorch. SoI opened up a shop and threw myself at the deep end of the pool,soon after I started attending conventions and finally got help and advice from others.

You’ve sold work before? What was the first thing someone bought from you, that you made? How did it feel to sell that piece? Are there pieces you keep hidden away, or keep for yourself, and why?

Before tattooing I was a fashion designer,sold my collections all over europe to big companies and had the great pleasure to see my clothes worn by unknown women in the street! At the time I did everything in watercolours.


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