new works and a snake and fish in progress!

I’ve been painting the last few days. It’s so hot that I only go outside if  absolutely have to..
I’ve been adding things to my square shop slowly but surely too.

Here’s some of the new stuff that’s finished:


And here’s a snake I’m working on:

10150577_10152302790517712_15863830837380996_n 10403169_10152303646407712_7536086417219549680_n


AND a fish from start to finish.

10426676_10152300453782712_694630737129308430_n 10373536_10152302209497712_4977479502693417513_n 10407979_10152302353347712_1388167573518562572_nEPSON MFP image

older works on offer, newer works on shirts!

Figured I would look in my big bin of originals and post the ones I am willing to take an offer on. I also made a few more shirts, and spent some time in my garden! I had some medical stuff done this past week so I’m a little sore and crabby, but otherwise things are going well. I’ve been working on making a flower painting a day in my moleskin, all little watercolor paintings. Once I get enough of those I’ll make a post just of that…

To make me an offer on any of these, email me at resonanteye at

Here’s originals I’m willing to take offers on, and after that some smaller images of the new shirts.

EPSON MFP image mating snakes original art
elephant art, totem, spirit animalpurple lotus art




and some new shirts again…


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