tender prey: rat spider skeletal articulation
Published on: Mar 16, 2012
Published on: Mar 16, 2012
What I finished today. I also started a huge full-sheet landscape, but that won’t be done for a while yet.
I’ll be building three of these creepy little monsters- this one, another for a friend as a commission, and then a slightly larger rat-size one. This one is made of a full mouse skull, rat jaws, bird and mouse and rat bones, possum vertebrae, bone glue, and oil pigment.
It’s on a tiny coffin lid, and hangs on the wall, for all your horrorfully-decorated rooms. I think he would do best in a library, in a genetics lab, or in a tattoo and horror fanatic’s studio or office. But what do I know? It might be that he is happiest in your nightmares.
This one is for sale, the second has already sold.
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