Things I made during the holiday season.

gold coral ear weights

real gold coral and real garnet with real amber on sawa wood coils.


I’ve been making things off and on over the hoiday time. I also got some better photos (with size comparison) for the pieces I’ve already made. I have a ton of new materials to work with too, which means the next wave of weights will be pretty awesome.

Excited! Click through for more photos of the new things.

drilled sandstone, featherweights, and magic crystals

il_570xN.678143942_pm2fAnd I have started pulling out the stones I’ve collected and drilled, the feather batch, and the bones and such that I’ve been amassing over the last few years. So the next sets of these will be a bit more extravagant…

These are made from sawa wood coils as a base, with wooden beads, hemp threadwrapping, bamboo, seeds, nontoxic chalk, and sandstone pieces I found on the Alsea River. The stones look heavy, but in fact they’re very light.

These are lighter than some of the more simple, plainly-beaded pairs I have made.


You should be at least 00 gauge to wear them. These are wood coils, not made to use in unhealed piercings or ears that you are stretching. Weights are for healed, settled holes!


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