a (relatively) thorough guide to getting a tattoo

we get socially awkward too!
A long list of things that will help you get through your tattoo session, and have great work to wear afterward:
The night before:
- Don’t drink heavily. If it will make you hungover, it will thin your blood the next day.
- Get to bed on time. It may feel like christmas eve and be hard to sleep, but the rest will make you less fidgety the following day.
- Check your funds. Make sure you have enough to cover the cost and a tip. Make sure you’ll have enough left over to eat something or buy bottled water or any incidental snack you might want while you get tattooed.
- if you have an appointment, call the shop and verify the time. Artists are human and can make mistakes, so make sure you know exactly when you are supposed to be there and how much it will cost.
- For a spontaneous tattoo, all these are true. Don’t decide to get tattooed after a night drinking; if you’ve been up all night; if you are using drugs; or if you aren’t sure you have enough money. Call the shop the night before and ask if anyone can take walk-ins the following day. They may even make room for you.
- Make sure you have any art reference or doctor’s notes you will need. Also, check your ID or driver’s license and make sure it’s not expired! If so, some studios allow you to use your passport, but it’s better to know ahead of time!