on a typical saturday

touched up one spot in the light green, the rest is healed!

touched up one spot in the light green, the rest is healed!

I did a bunch of tattooing on saturday. It was the kind of day when I grab a few bites to eat in between talking to people and tattooing, when I don’t get to spend much time in the waiting room with people because I’m working every hour I’m there. In other words, it was my favorite kind of day.

I also got to work on an old friend I haven’t seen in FAR too long. So that was just gravy.


penguin done by Ludwig, at Under the Needle tattoo. IT IS ADORABLE. Background/geometry by me.

penguin done by Ludwig, at Under the Needle tattoo.  ADORABLE. Background/geometry by me.

little ax!

little ax! touched this up today, one corner was missing a spot.

in progress!

in progress! we’ll be doing background AND more flowers around it.

I just liked this photo of her hair.

I just liked this photo of her hair.

that's a tall vanilla latte and a short shot.

that’s a tall vanilla latte and a short shot.

man daller.

pencil sketch for backpiece mandala tattooDSC_1111resonanteye geometric mandala back tattoo in progress
peck and I have been discussing this piece for years, we finally got started on it.

This is only the beginning, we just barely got the linework roughed in during a four hour sitting.

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