almost the fourth of july!
- In art,
what I’ve been up to this past week…
*picks up mic*
*stands uncomfortably for ten seconds*
*looks at everyone*
*drops mic*
what I’ve been up to this past week…
*picks up mic*
*stands uncomfortably for ten seconds*
*looks at everyone*
*drops mic*
I’m doing commission trees right now, if you’ve liked the trees I’ve been posting.
email me at resonanteye at gmail dot com, to get one!
You pick the colors (up to 3) and the species, and whether you want roots,trunk, or branches to be the focus of the artwork. The one pictured here is a pink and grey oak…with the trunk the main focus. right now I’ll do a 9×12″ for under a hundred dollars- larger sizes, or full sized trees, may be more.
I’m looking forward to making these; I love drawing trees.
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