No, it’s not a tattoo of Gary Busey.

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I spent most of my day working on this awesome owl, on this awesome guy! It’s a cover-up of an old tribal armband. His lady got this bird on a branch last year, and she is also awesome.

The owl took two big sessions to finish.


No, it's not a tattoo of Gary Busey.

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I spent most of my day working on this awesome owl, on this awesome guy! It’s a cover-up of an old tribal armband. His lady got this bird on a branch last year, and she is also awesome.

The owl took two big sessions to finish.


autumn birdsong.

bird with autumn leaves tattoobird tattoo with oak leaveshe’s got a white berry in his beak. This took about three or four hours, total. we did it all in one session because she is a tough cookie!

I had originally drawn this as a bird flying down, with loose leaves in the wind around it. she wanted to make the branch more prominent and loved the oak leaves in that drawing- and wanted the bird perched. This was the second round of drawings.

I really like using subdued colors right next to bright ones, like the yellow on the bird’s head among all the greys and browns in this piece.

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more bird art from me is available here.

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