sunburn memories
watercolor and pencil on arches coldpress paper, 16×20″. original sold. click image for prints.
Finished. below, the steps to completion and process shots. (I drink coffee in the “paint water” mug, and use the “not paint water” mug for paint water. This actually works and I haven’t drunk my paint water since- reverse psychology or something.)

sketch: very loose brushstrokes with pale, washed-out tones of sap green, sepia, and grey

underpainting: adding heavier pigment load to areas, dry brush spots on hair and eye

layers: fixing shadows, adding cool tones of indigo to shadowed areas, starting in on big washes behind everything.

detail: struggling with leaves, and with hand position on the fan. also gave her the sheer shirt I was planning

prints available at http://www.redbubble.com/people/resonanteye