New animal art prints, graphic shirts, snuggly critter pillows, and Harvest Feasts.

I will be online for a bit tomorrow, but will spend most of the day with food.
I’ve been adding a bunch of new prints, shirts, and things with my art on them. If you don’t see something you’d like in a particular format, please let me know either in a comment or by email ! (resonanteye at gmail dot com) I’m still ill, and trying to keep up with commissioned works; I can’t take any new paint commissions right now. So far I know I don’t have anything wrong with my liver, pancreas, gallbladder, appendix, or heart! It’s pretty delightful to find out I don’t have all these serious illnesses. Now if they could tell me what it IS, I’d be glad.

Tomorrow I’m making turkey, potatoes, sweet potatoes in molasses candy syrup, green bean casserole…I’m cooking for harvest feast, and even though I’ve been ill I plan to eat some. Damn the torpedos, and all that.

Here are some of the newer things I’ve been listing; enjoy, and I hope you have good friends or family to spend the day with tomorrow.

turkey, thanksgiving, harvest feast, tshirt, awesome, thanksneon pink flamingo painting shirthold fast old school tattoo artpibbles, pitbull, pit bull shirt

red rose tattoo art card nondenominationalsolitudelandscape painting in oregon

birds flying freedom bird tattoo shirtloyalty dog shirt, newfoundlandsheep consume ironic shirt
simple butterfly tattoo shirtnice tits bird shirtgrey anatomical heart shirt

shirts and prints of tattoo art and fine art paintings

octopus coffee mug orangemixtape clutch bold
orange goldlfish tattoo pillow
pet rat animal art pillow
large canvas print of rose tattoo flash
blacksnake tattoo flash scarf

elephant pillowicy blue winter barn owl pillow

floral watercolor original

original floral paintings available here.
