Dr. Seuss and childfree artists.

I am childfree, and do not feel comfortable around, nor interested in, kids.

They disturb my mind in many ways. I do not have interest in them.

I do however remain childlike as myself; my life is lived even now as a Ville Villekulla, a bright and giddy place full of friends and art and craft and fun, and freedom. I live now the way I dreamt I would live when I was a child. I have built the life of my youthful daydreams into reality around me like a coiled shell.

It satisfies me.

Dr. Seuss had little interest in children. He found them disturbing to his peace of mind, he stated that he was opposed to the population boom, and he rarely made time for children in his life. He and his wife had no children, didn’t want them.


(Originally Published on: Oct 26, 2011)

He lived in his imaginary world IN REAL LIFE, and the cares and concerns and woes that a child requires would not allow those things to stand. So he stayed away from children, for the most part.

Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them both.””~Dr. Seuss

He did not enjoy the noise and commotion of children, and thought that perhaps if they were encouraged to use their minds and their imaginations instead of screeching and leaping around, they would become more capable and interesting adults one day.

“This book is to be read in bed.” 
― Dr. Seuss

Theodore Giessel was a very active man with unlimited skills in doggerel and inking strange creatures to fit. He was childfree- he had no children and wanted none.



Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.

He once said “You have the kids, and I will entertain them.”

While he was uninterested in children in person, he tapped in to their inner, imaginary abilities with his books and art. His own unfettered imagination, his freedom artistically and in his daily life, allowed him to live easily and create his work steadily.

He feared fascism, opposed racial discrimination, was concerned deeply with overpopulation, and was in favor of legalizing abortion. He was a liberal democrat, and was not averse to the socialist movement.

“I know, up on top you are seeing great sights, but down here at the bottom we, too, should have rights.” 
― Dr. Seuss, Yertle the Turtle and Gertrude McFuzz

I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. -the Lorax

I myself don’t want children and have little or no interest in them. However it has been brought to my attention repeatedly that some of the art I make is loved, and well-loved by children whose parents have purchased it from me. The animals I draw hang in nurseries and in playrooms. The kids love the colors and the animals, and make up stories about them.

When I was very young, I had a set of animal cards. I loved these more than anything. Imagining all the animals in the wild, how I would meet them or get to pet or talk with them. Their behavior, learning about their way of living. It fascinated me.

I think that feeling and wonder I have for the creatures shows through enough, that imaginative children can feel it, and find it, and build their own inner worlds from it. I hope they can.

Finding your imagination is a wonderful thing, and while I am against having more children at this time for anyone (7 billions! It’s mindboggling!) the children that are here, should be able to let their minds grow, and teach their brains to wander and imagine.

In short, neither I nor Dr. Seuss hate children. We simply prefer not to have them in our immediate personal lives. And while I do not want children of my own, I find that I can even so contribute to their growth and their futures by showing them that an imagination is the best thing in the world to carry with you.

(all quotations from Dr. Seuss page on brainyquotes.com, all artwork available at my art shop.)