triumph the crab



Darth Marth


in progress.

Cthulu in progress.


More beastly less squidly.

I started this coverup on Hawkins; there used to be a jester and a really bad dragon under there. cthulu works…cthulu and a little cocoon friend.


I love fixing old tattoos. Seriously love it.

I like it I think because I can just sort of play. Someone else has done the hard part- the conceptualizing, the drawing, all that, and I get to just make something a little bit ragged into something WAY new for the person.

People seem to be really excited when they get stuff repaired or retouched, too. I do free touchups on all the work I do, but not all artists offer that…I mean most of the tattooers I know do, but I have heard of some that don’t. So I end up with people coming to get things fixed every once in a while, and every single time I really enjoy it.

a cover up

dahlia tattooLot sof people have that weird godsmack sun on them someplace. Many of them got it when they were young and foolish, thinking it was cool looking. I have covered up more of these things than names, which is saying I have covered up a TON of them. This is a coverup of one, on my friend Jo’s leg. Dahlias are pretty.

Jo has a lot of tomboy and dark and scary tattoos, this is one of the first girly-swirlies she’s gotten; I do a lot of dark twisted stuff but once in a while it’s very nice to come up for air and just make something damn pretty for somebody.

The leaves aren’t finished yet.

Flowers are pretty fun to draw and tattoo.

hidden treasures

yesterday ended up being busier than I’d thought it would be.

I worked on a few regulars, doing some lettering on the sides of their feet. Ouch! They both sat really well and weren’t at all stinky.

Then I did this really nice treasure map- she and her husband were married right there on the X. Tonight I’m doing a treasure map on him, on his back. I’ll post pictures of the two of them together afterward. I like using the aged paper colors, those soft browns and dull yellows. Creamy paper colors.

At the tail end of the night I did some more work on cory’s arm, we’re a session away from being done with his anatomical man. I can’t wait! It’s one of my favorite pieces I have in progress right now.


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