almost the fourth of july!

what I’ve been up to this past week…

*picks up mic*
*stands uncomfortably for ten seconds*
*looks at everyone*
*drops mic*

10423960_10152247119912712_3567777356391918735_n (1) 10425473_10152248451967712_3681446330719978893_n10479204_10152249219227712_1833250847540668877_n 10487573_10152249230532712_5762085568727341506_n10499557_10152247124282712_8746192716272753763_o
10502235_10152239270827712_9020896679496645568_n10351374_10152241296792712_564037856274999912_n jbjkhk

My dog is a bit paranoid.

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also yes, I’m going to clip his toenails right NOW. yeesh, they grow like weeds.

the joys of pen and ink

1229082036There’s a real joy to it. The tools feel good to use- round nibs, scratchy fountain pen, with the smooth handle. FW inks and dr. marten’s. Soft, soft, soft plastic brushes. And the smoothest paper surface you can afford. Then you prop yourself up and doodle. Doodle! With all these fancy art supplies! What could BE more fun?

Of course every mistake becomes the death of that particular page- you really can’t fuck up at all, even less than with watercolor. At least with watercolor you can hit a new wash over it when it dries and hope for the best- but with pen and ink it’s meticulous, it’s perfection, and at the same time the looser you can be with it the better it looks.

I’ve been playing around all day with this. This is the best doodle I’ve gotten out of the day.

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